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(English) Review of X7SPA-HF : Loving IPMI and KVM over LAN
Publicado el domingo, 2 de mayo del 2010
19 comentarios
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- Review of X7SPA-HF : Loving IPMI and KVM over LAN | Motherboards For Sale - Pingback on 2011/10/31/ 13:54
nice post. thanks.
Thanks for the review.
Lately I was looking for a new board replacement with KVM and stumbled upon the same board you looked at.
My only concerns are :
1. IPMI seems to have a dedicated Lan connection, is it possible to use just one connection ?
2. is connection with KVM remotely simple enough ? do I need to be a tech savi to connect to my remote machine ?
would be glad to hear your opinion on this, as far as I’ve seen you’re the only one who reviewed this board
IPMI don’t has a dedicated connection, it works over the same wire connection than the motherboard. The Ethernet plug acts like a switch, you will have two MAC address (the IPMI one and the motherboard one) on the same ethernet connection. In the case of this specific motherboard only one of the 2 Ethernet connection available is switched with the IPMI NIC. And yes, its simple enough, just follow the manufacturer instructions and the motherboad manual.
Thanks for the post. However, I was wondering… how did you get the “power on” feature to work? When I power off a machine using IPMI, I can no longer access it. Is there some jumper or something that has to be set so that IPMI does not shut off when the rest of the machine does?
On this motherboard works out of the box. Check your motherboard manual, try to use the manufacturer supplied software for IPMI and make sure that your PSU don’t cuts off the power supply when you turn off the computer, it must supply enough energy to keep working the BMC.
Must admit that you are one of the best bloggers I ever saw.Thanks for posting this informative and useful article.
You ‘re making me blush 😉
it was very interesting to read blogs.igalia.com
I want to quote your post in my blog. It can?
And you et an account on Twitter?
Sure, I will be happy to be quoted and to share my knowledge with everybody. I don’t use twitter but you can checkout our micro-blogging service https://statusnet.igalia.com
Which OS do you use?
I’using the X7SPA-HF with Ubuntu-10.04.1-LTS-server (32-bit PAE-kernel) and have a lot of problems with VGA and IPMI. The ‘Web ISO’-option doesn’t work (fields grayed out in JAVA client) and VGA-resolutions are weird. In default VESA-VBE-mode 0x101 (640×480) VGA-output on external monitor is OK, but IPMI shows 672×413 pixel – with missing lower lines (can’t see what I’m typing or results). When using other VESA-VBE-modes (e.g. 1024×768) the IPMI-resolution is OK and the external monitor shows correct resolution information, but the screen is zoomed too much horizontally and pixel-columns on the right and left are missing.
I don’t have an X server installed as I use it as NAS server and router for my home network. Perhaps you can try to set-up an vnc-server and try to connect using an standard vnc client. I Think that the IPMI KVM best suited to resolve emergencies than for continuous use.
Hello. I have just updated the bios and the firmware for the BMC with latest one available at supermicro site and I noticed that the quality of the video streamming is much better and now I can see graphics smoother in the KVM. Try it, perhaps it will solve your problems.
Hi there I like your post
When you reboot with this board do you see the screen on the computer as you are rebooting? I am thinking of using Self Encrypting drives which require that I enter the code of the drives at boot up. So to do this remotely I need a KVM over IP solution.
Yes. You see the computer rebooting and you can enter in the BIOS without problem.
In some websites, it says the raid only works in windows.
Have you experianced that?
I am about to use this board with ubuntu, do you know of any problems using ubuntu instead of Debian?
I am also interested in the raid5 feature within a debian system. Any Complications? Any additional packages involved?
It should work out of the box on all Linux distributions. In Debian you need to checkout the packages dmraid and mdadm… just google for manuals on how to configure a raid5 on Linux… lot of help out there. Regards!