Desbloqueando una partición raiz encriptada con LUKS de forma remota con SSH

Si estas pensando en enviar un nuevo servidor a un datacenter remoto para colocación o simplemente has contratado uno o varios servidores en la nube, posiblemente habrás pensado que te gustaría cifrar el disco duro del servidor.

El problema es que si cifras el disco duro entero (la partición raíz) vas a necesitar algún sistema del tipo KVM para teclear la contraseña de forma remota cada vez que el servidor se reinicie… seguro??? No!

Gracias a este ingenioso truco, podrás introducir la contraseña de forma remota durante el proceso de arranque. Este truco consiste en embeber en el initramfs un pequeño servidor ssh (dropbear) que permite introducir la contraseña de la partición root durante el arranque ::

Para aquellos que tengan la suerte de usar Debian el procedimiento es tan sencillo y fácil como ::

1) Instala tu servidor con la partición root cifrada.

2) Instala los paquetes necesarios:

apt-get install openssh-server dropbear busybox

3) Copia la clave SSH que ha sido generada de forma automática

scp root@my.server.ip.addr:/etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa ~/id_rsa.initramfs

4) Si tu servidor obtiene la IP de forma automática (DHCP) ignora este paso, si no tienes que indicarle la IP en la linea de arranque del Kernel. Para ello edita el fichero /etc/default/grub y define la linea:


Usando el formato especificado en el archivo Documentation/nfsroot.txt de la documentación del Kernel de Linux. Por ejemplo:


Recarga la configuración de grub


5) Reinicia


6) Y desbloquea de forma remota!

ssh -o "UserKnownHostsFile=~/.ssh/known_hosts.initramfs" \
	-i "~/id_rsa.initramfs" root@my.server.ip.addr \
	"echo -ne \"MyS3cr3tK3y\" >/lib/cryptsetup/passfifo"

Y para aquellos que no tengan la suerte de usar Debian, así como para aquellos que si tengan esa suerte pero quieran conocer más detalles sobre este procedimiento, os pego el contenido del fichero cryptsetup/README.remote de Debian que seguro que encontrareis muy útil :)

$ zcat /usr/share/doc/cryptsetup/README.remote.gz

unlocking rootfs via ssh login in initramfs

You can unlock your rootfs on bootup from remote, using ssh to log in to the
booting system while it's running with the initramfs mounted.


For remote unlocking to work, the following packages have to be installed
before building the initramfs: dropbear busybox

The file /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf holds the configuration options
used when building the initramfs. It should contain BUSYBOX=y (this is set as
the default when the busybox package is installed) to have busybox installed
into the initramfs, and should not contain DROPBEAR=n, which would disable
installation of dropbear to initramfs. If set to DROPBEAR=y, dropbear will
be installed in any case; if DROPBEAR isn't set at all, then dropbear will only
be installed in case of an existing cryptroot setup.

The host keys used for the initramfs are dropbear_dss_host_key and
dropbear_rsa_host_key, both located in/etc/initramfs-tools/etc/dropbear/.
If they do not exist when the initramfs is compiled, they will be created
automatically. Following are the commands to create them manually:

# dropbearkey -t dss -f /etc/initramfs-tools/etc/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
# dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/initramfs-tools/etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key

As the initramfs will not be encrypted, publickey authentication is assumed.
The key(s) used for that will be taken from
If this file doesn't exist when the initramfs is compiled, it will be created
and /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/ will be added to it.
If the latter file doesn't exist either, it will be generated automatically -
you will find the matching private key which you will later need to log in to
the initramfs under /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa (or id_rsa.dropbear
in case you need it in dropbear format). Following are the commands to do the
respective steps manually:

To create a key (in dropbear format):

# dropbearkey -t rsa -f /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa.dropbear

To convert the key from dropbear format to openssh format:

# /usr/lib/dropbear/dropbearconvert dropbear openssh \
	/etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa.dropbear \

To extract the public key:

# dropbearkey -y -f /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/id_rsa.dropbear | \
	grep "^ssh-rsa " > /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/

To add the public key to the authorized_keys file:

# cat /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/ >> /etc/initramfs-tools/root/.ssh/authorized_keys

In case you want some interface to get configured using dhcp, setting DEVICE= in
/etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf should be sufficient.  The initramfs should
also honour the ip= kernel parameter.
In case you use grub, you probably might want to set it in /boot/grub/menu.lst,
either in the '# kopt=' line or appended to specific 'kernel' line(s).
The ip= kernel parameter is documented in Documentation/nfsroot.txt in the
kernel source tree.


Don't forget to run update-initramfs when you changed the config to make it

Collecting enough entropy for the ssh daemon sometimes seems to be an issue.
Startup of the ssh daemon might be delayed until enough entropy has been
retrieved. This is non-blocking for the startup process, so when you are at the
console you won't have to wait for the sshd to complete its startup.

Unlocking procedure

To unlock from remote, you could do something like this:

# ssh -o "UserKnownHostsFile=~/.ssh/known_hosts.initramfs" \
	-i "~/id_rsa.initramfs" \
	"echo -ne \"secret\" >/lib/cryptsetup/passfifo"

This example assumes that you have an extra known_hosts file 
"~/.ssh/known_hosts.initramfs" which holds the cryptroot system's host-key,
that you have a file "~/id_rsa.initramfs" which holds the authorized-key for
the cryptroot system, that the cryptroot system's name is
"", and that the cryptroot passphrase is "secret"

-- <>, Wed, 30 Sep 2009

14 Comentarios.

  1. Thanks a lot for these tips. I’m indeed one of those hosting a server “in the cloud” and wanting to encrypt the entire hard disk. I’m also lucky enough to use Debian, so your steps apply 100% to me. I’m currently following them and will comment here my results :).

    Keep rocking dude!

  2. Thanks for spreading the word about this, its a huge help.

    Have used this procedure often on boxes running squeeze, however when I tried it on wheezy, I noticed that the network interface would not release the ip specified in the kernel parameter for the one in /etc/network/interfaces. Even after an ifdown, ifup.

    Have your experienced this as well?

  3. same problem here, as a quick solution I added

    pre-up ip addr flush dev ${IFACE}

    to the proper iface section in /etc/network/interfaces

    I also found:
    which might provide a cleaner solution (did not test this myself).

  4. thanks for detail explanation, it solves my needs at least partially 😛

    My server need to restart after a power drop automatically, so I can’t even enter the password via SSH, it must be somewhere close to the server.

    But never the less, the hard disk need to be encrypted to prevent plugging it of at the server room and mount/read it from another computer.

    Is there any possibility to let only this Debian decrypt the hard disk but not any other computer?

  5. I am wondering if it is possible to do something simillar but different:

    On boot -> initramfs connect using a public key to a public server crating a Reverse Tunnel.

    From the Public Server, on user loging -> connect through the tunnel and unlock the remote filesystem

  6. Thanks a lot on this guide! I’m going to implement this on my server machine (I want to encrypt the system partition but I also want to be able to boot it remotely).

    One problem I still have is that I’d need to refresh my dynamic DNS address before I can connect via SSH. To do that I would basically have to wget a single webpage. Do you have any ideas on how to achieve that?

  7. On Fedora 20 initramfs-tools was replace by dracut, I have a guess how to do it, but I wish to get some more expert knowledge on how to create initramfs files with dracut that execute the dropbear server.

    Anyone who has experience with dracut? 💡 ?